Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Quake 4 Beta Update 1.1 Available

This is the BETA of id's broad QUAKE 4 update. It fixes issues and adds gameplay elements throughout both single and multiplayer—including voice chat in multiplayer, a forecemodel option, a one-minute warning for tournament matches, fixed pure server autodownloading, Hyper-Threading Technology support, smooth stairjumping and a ton of multiplayer specific fixes which have been requested by the community and discovered during our own gameplay. In short, multiplayer is fixed. ;) For a complete list of new features, fixes, and changes, please see the ReadMe file.

1 comment:

Et in Arcadia Ego said...

Has anyone tested this patch to see if the performance gained with hyperthread and dual core is significant? They said some big percentages on the readme file, I was wondering if this was true with P4 with hyperthread and dual core and on AMD systems. Since it's getting the code to use these systems it was good to see perfomance gains, I believe the anounced quake wars will run on a better version of this engine